Emerging Metabolic Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis

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Amrita Sharma
Rajesh Patel


Emerging metabolic biomarkers hold promise in revolutionizing the diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). These biomarkers offer a nuanced insight into the metabolic dysregulation underlying CVD through intricate molecular pathways, allowing for earlier detection and personalized treatment strategies. By tapping into metabolomic signatures, such as lipid profiles, amino acid metabolism, and inflammatory markers, clinicians gain a deeper understanding of the dynamic interplay between metabolism and cardiovascular health. These biomarkers enable accurate diagnosis and serve as prognostic indicators, predicting disease progression and response to therapy with greater precision. As metabolomics research continues to advance, the integration of these novel biomarkers into clinical practice heralds a new era of precision medicine, where tailored interventions mitigate the burden of cardiovascular diseases on global health.

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